tel: +48 22 499 98 98

neodymium magnets

We offer blue color magnets Nd2Fe14B - our store's offer. Practically all magnesy neodymowe in our store are available for immediate purchase (see the list). See the magnet pricing for more details check the magnet price list

Magnets for treasure hunters F300 GOLD

Where to purchase powerful magnet? Holders with magnets in airtight, solid enclosure are ideally suited for use in difficult, demanding weather, including during rain and snow see...

magnets with holders

Magnetic holders can be used to enhance production, underwater discoveries, or finding space rocks made of ore more...

We promise to ship ordered magnets if the order is placed by 2:00 PM on working days.

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Search page

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Here is a list of products that match your query - we hope you find what you are looking for.
If you have any questions or doubts, do not hesitate to contact us.
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GOLDEN Maniek, czyli Mariusz Ciepluch, od prawie siedmiu lat poszukuje skarbów, robi to co tydzień, w dzień wolny od pracy. Zrobił to swoim stylem życia. Kupił najtańszy sprzęt, ale po pewnym czasie zainwestował w lepszy. Jego pierwszą złotą monetę znalazł po roku, ale ma już ich siedem. Tamiza jest jednym z najbogatszych miejsc do poszukiwania, bo tam od 2 tys. lat porzucane są przedmioty. Prawo w Wielkiej Brytanii pozwala na poszukiwanie skarbów z zgodą właściciela terenu.
GOLDEN Maniek do swoich poszukiwań używa:
zestaw magnes do poszukiwań F200 GOLD
zestaw magnes do poszukiwań F300 GOLD
zestaw magnes do poszukiwań F550 SilverBlack

If you didn't find a magnet with specific dimensions in our offer but would like to buy it in our shop, please check our price list with a full range of products or use the special form on the contact page or send us a description of the item you are looking for via regular email, but please call us first and ask. We will establish and determine what you really need.
All magnet dimensions are specified in millimeters (mm).
Currently, we distinguish three basic shapes of magnets:
Cylindrical magnets, e.g., to search for a cylindrical magnet with a diameter of 10mm, enter - MW 10x, and for a thickness of 10mm, enter x10
Plate magnets, ring magnets, and other products can be searched in a similar way according to the pattern category name MPL, MP part or the entire dimension.

Don't know what to choose?

Give us a call tel: +48 888 99 98 98 or get in touch through form on our website.

You can check the power as well as the shape of neodymium magnet in our power calculator magnetic mass calculator.

Orders placed by 2:00 PM will be shipped on the same business day.

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tel: +48 888 99 98 98