Contact information
Do you require advice in compiling an order or do you have a query?
Contact us, we will urgently help you.
company information
Dhit Ltd.
street: Kościuszki 6A
postal code: 05-850 city: Ożarów Mazowiecki
country: Poland
Tax Identification Number: PL118-211-49-44
REGON: 363011264
KRS: 0000586268
BDO: 000417962
Share capital: 1,026,000 PLN
District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw,
XIV Economic Division of the National Court Register
BANK: PL 10 1140 2004 0000 3402 7669 6755
BANK Address: BRE Bank S.A. INTERNET BANKING, al. Mickiewicza 10, 90-050 Łódź
SORT CODE: 11402004
contact information
The office operates from Monday to Friday, during the hours of
9oo - 17oo
outside of these hours, please announce your visit to production by phone at +48 22 374 16 16.
in other hours or on Saturday, please contact us in advance
mobile: +48 888 99 98 98