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neodymium magnets

We offer red color magnets Nd2Fe14B - our offer. Practically all "magnets" in our store are available for immediate purchase (check the list). See the magnet pricing for more details see the magnet price list

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Where to buy strong magnet? Magnetic holders in airtight and durable enclosure are ideally suited for use in challenging weather, including in the rain and snow see...

magnets with holders

Holders with magnets can be applied to improve production processes, exploring underwater areas, or searching for meteors made of ore more...

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Periodic Table

Periodic Table according to the SI standard

Permanent magnets include not only Neodymium magnets, but also Alnico or Samarium-Cobalt magnets. They differ not only in attracting power but also in the temperature at which they can operate without losing their magnetic properties.

Strongest Magnets - Neodymium Magnets

Neodymium magnets (Nd) are the strongest permanent magnets in the world. They are made from a magnetic material composed of a neodymium, iron, and boron alloy, forming the Nd2Fe14B structure. Neodymium magnets are considered part of the rare earth magnets family because their main component is a rare earth element, neodymium. Despite their name, rare earth elements are relatively abundant in the Earth's crust, although they are rarely found in concentrated form and are usually dispersed with other elements.

Samarium-Cobalt Magnets - Another Type of Rare Earth Magnets

Samarium-cobalt magnets (SmCo) were developed before neodymium magnets, and although they are not as strong as neodymium magnets, they have greater resistance to corrosion and can operate and maintain their performance at higher temperatures. To enhance the performance of neodymium and samarium-cobalt magnets, trace amounts of additional rare earth elements such as dysprosium (Dy) and praseodymium (Pr) are added.

Rare Earth Elements in the Periodic Table

1 H Wodór 1.008
2 He Hel 4.002602
3 Li Lit 6.94
4 Be Beryl 9.0121831
5 B Bor 10.81
6 C Węgiel 12.011
7 N Azot 14.007
8 O Tlen 15.999
9 F Fluor 18.998403163
10 Ne Neon 20.1797
11 Na Sód 22.98976928
12 Mg Sód 24.305
13 Al Aluminium 26.9815385
14 Si Krzem 28.085
15 P Fosfor 30.973761998
16 S Siarka 32.06
17 Cl Chlor 35.45
18 Ar Argon 39.948
19 K Potas 39.0983
20 Ca Wapń 40.078
21 Sc Skand 44.955908
22 Ti Tytan 47.867
23 V Wanad 50.9415
24 Cr Chrom 51.9961
25 Mn Mangan 54.938044
26 Fe Żelazo 55.845
27 Co Kobalt 58.933194
28 Ni Nikiel 58.6934
29 Cu Miedź 63.546
30 Zn Cynk 65.38
31 Ga Gal 69.723
32 Ge German 72.63
33 As Arsen 74.921595
34 Se Selen 78.971
35 Br Brom 79.904
36 Kr Krypton 83.798
37 Rb Rubid 85.4678
38 Sr Stront 87.62
39 Y Itr 88.90584
40 Zr Cyrkon 91.224
41 Nb Niob 92.90637
42 Mo Molibden 95.95
43 Tc Technet 98
44 Ru Ruten 101.07
45 Rh Rod 102.90550
46 Pd Paladium 106.42
47 Ag Srebro 107.8682
48 Cd Kadm 112.414
49 In Ind 114.818
50 Sn Tin 118.710
51 Sb Antymon 121.760
52 Te Tellur 127.60
53 I Jod 126.90447
54 Xe Ksenon 131.293
55 Cs Cez 132.90545196
56 Ba Bar 137.327
72 Hf Hafn 178.486
73 Ta Tantal 180.94788
74 W Tantal 183.84
75 Re Ren 186.207
76 Os Osm 190.23
77 Ir Iridium 192.217
78 Pt Platyna 195.084
79 Au Złoto 196.966569
80 Hg Rtęć 200.59
81 Tl Tal 204.38
82 Pb Lead 207.2
83 Bi Bizmut 208.98040
84 Po Polon 209
85 At Astatine 210
86 Rn Radon 222
87 Fr Francium 223
88 Ra Rad 226
104 Rf Rutherfordium 267
105 Db Dubnium 268
106 Sg Seaborgium 269
107 Bh Bohr 270
108 Hs Has 270
109 Mt Meitnerium 278
110 Ds Darmstadtium 281
111 Rg Roentgenium 282
112 Cn Copernicium 285
113 Nh Nihonium 286
114 Fl Flewer 289
115 Mc Moskow 290
116 Lv Liwermor 293
117 Ts Tensen 294
118 Og Oganeson 294
57 La Lantan 138.90547
58 Ce Cer 140.116
59 Pr Prazeodym 140.90766
60 Nd Neodym 144.242
61 Pm Promethium 145
62 Sm Samar 150.36
63 Eu Europ 151.964
64 Gd Gadolin 157.25
65 Tb Terb 158.92535
66 Dy Dysproz 162.500
67 Ho Holmium 164.93033
68 Er Erb 167.259
69 Tm Erb 168.93422
70 Yb Iterb 173.045
71 Lu Lutet 174.9668
89 Ac Aktyn 227
90 Th Tor 232.0377
91 Pa Protaktyn 231.03588
92 U Uran 238.02891
93 Np Neptun 237
94 Pu Pluton 244
95 Am Ameryk 243
96 Cm Curium 247
97 Bk Berkelium 247
98 Cf Kaliforn 251
99 Es Einsteinium 252
100 Fm Fermium 257
101 Md Mendelevium 258
102 No Nobelium 259
103 Lr Lawrencium 266

The compound of neodymium, Nd2Fe14B, was first discovered in 1982 by General Motors and Sumitomo Special Metals. Since their initial introduction, stronger grades of neodymium magnets have become available in the market as production techniques have advanced. The strongest grade currently available is N55, although it is not yet widely used. More common grades are N42 and N52.

Electromagnets, which utilize electric currents to generate magnetic fields, can be much stronger than permanent magnets, but they require significant electric current to create a magnetic field.

Neodymium magnets are highly powerful due to their high resistance to demagnetization (coercivity) and high level of magnetic saturation, which allows them to generate large magnetic fields. The strength of a magnet is represented by its maximum energy product (BHmax), which is measured in Mega Gauss-Oersteds (MGOe). The maximum energy product is the product of remanence (Br) and coercivity (Hc) and represents the area under the curve of the second quadrant of the hysteresis loop.

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