SI/CGS Unit Converter
SI/CGS unit calculator
Our converter enables conversion of units from the SI (International System of Units) and CGS (Centimeter-Gram-Second) systems.
Available options include conversion between basic and derived units of the SI/CGS system.
In our converter, you can convert units of:
- Magnetism
- Temperature
- Weight
- Size
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How to convert?
Multiply the quantity in SI units by the number on the left side of the arrow > to obtain the equivalent in CGS units, and multiply the quantity in CGS units by the number on the right side of the arrow < to obtain the equivalent in SI units.
Cecha magnetyzmu | Symbol cechy | SI | Porównanie konwersji | CGS | |||||
Nazwa | Jednostka | Nazwa | Jednostka | ||||||
Strumień magnetyczny | φ | Weber | Wb | 108 | > | < | 10-8 | Makswel | Mx |
Gęstość strumienia magnetycznego | B | Tesla | T | 104 | > | < | 10-4 | Gauss | G |
Siła pola magnetycznego | H | Amper/m | A/m | 4π * 10-3 | > | < | 103/4π | Ersted | Oe |
Siła magnetyzmu | M | Amper/m | A/m | 10-3 | > | < | 103 | Gauss | G |
Polaryzacja magnetyczna | J | Tesla | T | 104/4π | > | < | 4π * 10-4 | Gauss | G |
Siła magnetomotoryczna | Fm | Amper | A | 4π * 10-1 | > | < | 10/4π | Gilbert | Gi |
Przyciąganie magnetyczne | F | Niuton | N | 105 | > | < | 10-5 | Dyna | dyn |
Przepuszczalność magnetyczna | μ | Henr/m | H/m | 107/4π | > | < | 4π * 10-7 | Liczba bezwzględna | |
Przepuszczalność Vaccuum | μ0 | 4π * 10-7Henr/m | H/m | 1 | Liczba bezwzględna | ||||
Opór magnetyczny | Rm | 1/Henr | H-1 | 4π * 10-9 | > | < | 109/4π | Gilbert/Makswel | Gi/Mx |
Przenikanie | P | Henr | H | 109/4π9 | > | < | 4π * 10-9 | Makswel/Gilbert | Mx/Gi |
Produkt o maksymalnej energii | BH | Dżul/m3 | J/m3 | 4π * 10 | > | < | 10-1/4π | Gauss/Oersted | G,Oe |
BH | Dżul/m3 | J/m3 | 10 | > | < | 10-1 | Erg/cm3 | erg/cm3 |